

Memorial Day Weekend

Filed under: — Owner/Shepherd @ 7:43 am

Hi All,

This is a big weekend for us. The 32nd Annual Massachusetts Sheep and Woolcraft Fair is this Saturday and Sunday. We have our farm booth and sell our woolwares there. It’s usually a great weekend of smiling fiber friendly folks running around trying to find that perfect fleece or fiber to spin or yarn to knit with. Well, I have some great stuff to offer this year and I’m really looking forward to the show. No sheep shows for me, but the wool classes are minimal and the main interest, so it would seem, is meat breeds. The 4-H contingent is very well organized and there will be plenty of them showing their sheep. The adult classes are on the minimal side. I hope to show my sheep in the future, but likely not at Cummington.

Hope some of you can make the show and stop by to visit.

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