

Chillin\’ in February

Filed under: — Owner/Shepherd @ 7:25 am

Yep, it’s official, Winter is here. Finally !

So even with the very cold windchills of below 0′, and the overnight temperatures hovering at 0′, the sheep are doing fine. Locked into the barn at night, they huddle in the corners to warm eachother in a cooperative effort. In the morning, opening up the doors I see their little whiskers finely laced with ice and a very docile slow moving group of awakening sweethearts. Sure, I can see the romance of it all, but I wonder if they can appreciate it.

We started late gestation rations this week. Feeding out more grain and splitting the feeding of hay between three sessions during the day. Some ewes are showing more than the others. I have to change coats of the larger ewes as their bellies are pressing the confines of the coats. The fleeces underneath are very white, clean and glistening. I’ll keep the coats on until they go out to pasture in May/June. Shearing is planned for late August, which will be an 8 month clip, same as this last one. The fiber length is 6 inches and very nice quality.

Thanks for reading, I’ll be back in March.

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