

Waxing of the Spring Equinox

Filed under: — Owner/Shepherd @ 11:38 am

It’s true, the Spring Equinox will enter into our New England realm this week. May I just say, "What a Relief !" Thank goodness we can see light at the end of the tunnel. Winter’s grip is slipping into the muddy mess of Spring thaw. Not quite arrived, but I think we can safely welcome the new days of Spring.

With that said, we are ready for the lambing to begin. Yes, we did have three lambs so far, but the larger group of bred ewes will begin together, very shortly. Everyone looks pretty full with lambs and I just can not wait to see what we’ll get this year for lambs. Especially the Leicester Longwool lambs. Could this be my ewe lamb year? Sure would be nice.

Ernie has put his requests in for locker lamb as have several other friends. My main objective is selling breed stock as you know. So the harvest will be contingent on how those sales go. But my husband will get what he wants, no matter what. He’s been so awesome with helping me around the farm. Mostly with clearing new pasture area, milling wood from that effort, with the plan to build another shelter for the rams and storage of equipment. Really busy winter for him as alot of trees were felled and alot of broken trees from the ice storm back in December.

So, stand by and wait for some updates on the lambing over the next month. Enjoy the new Spring air.

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