

August new moon

Filed under: — Owner/Shepherd @ 12:25 pm

In the new moon stage of August. Only contentment and peaceful days. On the full moon, August 28th, we’ll be shearing the ewes and lambs, 21 in all. This is another 8 month clip for the ewes, the lambs are 5 months old. I’ve found that the wool is growing well enough and yet the lambs overall growth is slow. The shearing will help in the bodies to grow alittle faster and stronger, so that upon winter’s approach the lambs will be large enough for harvest or to get through the winter easily.

Sage and her two ewe lambs will be going to another farm in a nearby country town. I’m sad to see them leave, but also very pleased I’ve been able to keep the threesome together. They really are a handsome flock. Maybe they will be bred one day by one of my rams?

The breeding plan is beginning to take shape. I’ll be using three LL rams, unless some of them sell. I have enough ewe stock to give them each at least 3 ewes to partner up with. I’ll use Charles as the clean up ram again this year. I’m always hopeful for more color in the flock.

I’m nursing a ram lamb right now. He’s gotten weak from worm load and he’s in quarentine being nursed back to good health. The rain got the best of the pasture and the lambs on pasture can be difficult on them. I haven’t had too many problems this season.

Thanks for stopping by.

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