

May Day, May Day!

Filed under: — Owner/Shepherd @ 4:33 am

Got your attention? No real emergency, just wanted to let you know we will be attending the Massachusetts Sheep and Woolcraft Fair in Cummington, MA this Memorial Day weekend, Saturday and Sunday. Our booth is located in the CRAFT BARN #6. I’m bringing a bunch of natural spinning and felting fibers and locally grown and produced yarns, both handspun and millspun. The theme this year is “The International Year of Natural Fiber” which I honor by focusing on undyed fibers mainly from America. We have such an abundance of good wool to share.

In addition to the fiber I will have some of my photographs for sale. I am selling two starter flocks; one Leicester Longwool flock and one Natural Colored flock. I need to downsize abit and this is a good opportunity for some interested shepherdess or shepherd to purchase some beautiful fleece animals.

To finish, the lambing season is over, had ten lambs arrive in all. 5 rams, 5 ewes, 5 white, 5 black. It’s quite the checkerboard arrangement and when they run and jump and leap around the paddock, it’s like watching a game of fast moving checkers.

Hope to see some of you this weekend!
Cheers, Lisa

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