

August Arrives in a HEAT WAVE !

Filed under: — Owner/Shepherd @ 7:24 am

It’s been in the high eighties, nineties, and some say up to 100 degrees. But up here in the Hilltowns I don’t think it’s gotten quite that high. The temperatures are nonetheless very hard on the sheep. I’ve got the majority of the flock in a lovely pasture in Worthington. It’s on a sloped landscape and there seems to be a constant flow of air and breeze thankfully. We recently were able to acquire a llama and she is guarding the sheep and adjusting to her flock duties.

We will be shearing the lambs this month. Alittle early since our shearer is having to leave for college early. The wool is incredibly clean and I can’t wait to get my hands on it to work with. I have one other flock to shear in August, it’s a Romney flock. The wool should be good and I will be selling it at the two fairs I have coming up this Fall.

Enjoy the rest of the Summer !

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