


Filed under: — Owner/Shepherd @ 1:59 pm

That’s right, it’s a Blue Moon tonight. That means two full moons in one month. Last night was a beautiful illuminated night and I was acutely aware of a lurking presence when I got home in the evening. My flashlight caught the eyes of some kind of creature, hidden in the bushes near the rams area at Cranberry Cove. In my concern, I decided to close up the flock in the paddock with some limited exposure to the fence line. Of course, nothing happened.

Yesterday I brought home a pair of cats for the job of mouse patrol. It’s about time to get serious about the mouse situation. Now that the hay is dwindling, they can get up into the hayloft and take care of them. Plus, in my wool room I welcome their efforts. Hope they work out and stick around.

So the sheep sales list in pretty much set. Only three mature ewes for breed stock, and three rams, two of which are lambs. There will likely be a few extra freezer lambs this winter as well.

This weekend we are bringing about 2/3 of the flock to a pasture in Worthington. So, it’ll be much quieter around the place and everyone will have a good summer.

The Massachusetts Sheep & Woolcraft Fair was last weekend. I had a booth and did very well. I was in the Craft barn and that was so nice. Now I’m just working on a few projects over the summer on the loom and still washing wool.

All for now,


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