

Cool Down November

Filed under: — Owner/Shepherd @ 7:16 am

‘Tis the season to be jolly, right? OH yeah, that’s a late December song. Even though it’s not really all that cold yet, I’m feeling the hibernation instinct kick in. CHARLES the ram is in with the 10 ewes getting bred and the ram lambs are together comizzerating(sp?) and just hanging out, eating good, trading tales. Charles seems to be breeding a ewe almost every day, if not every other day. I like the notion of staggering the lambing by a couple days, thanks Charles!

Did I tell you I got these really cute French Satin Angora white bunnies? Wow, they are so sweet. They don’t say a word and exude PEACE. That’s so good for me to be around. The stress and hurry all falls away when I go into feed them or just watch they eat their apples or what ever I come up with for a rabbit treat. Really nice wool. I’ve groomed them all twice since I got them, and harvested one’s wool. It turns out I have two bucks and two does. So I really would like to find a home for the younger buck, pass the word.

I’m off the the Island on Monday morning. It’ll be a good visit with family, long over due, it’s been over 8 years. Lots to catch up on. I’ll try to respond to emails as best I can and will fill orders when I return in early December.

Be well, and have a nice Thanksgiving everyone!

Yours in Shepherding, Lisa

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