

Lunar Eclipse, Cranberry Moon

Filed under: — Owner/Shepherd @ 10:48 am

This past week we had a lunar eclipse. At 11pm, I was awakened by the sheep monitor and a huge light pouring into my bedroom window. Little ice crystals creeping up the inside of the storm window glistening and shaking with the light of the moon. It was a sign, I thought and jumped out of bed. Layering on the longjohns and jeans, the sweater and down coat, off I went to the barn. Alas, no lambs had arrived, but the ewes were quiet restless. I guess its hard to sleep through such a terrestrial event, for any one. I stayed awhile, picking at the hay and straw bits on the long mane of the ram, "Dicken". He is enjoying this time alone with his harim. These are his first lambs too. I thought it only kind and appropriate that he sees his prodogy arrive.

We are still in the midst of Winter’s rein. The snow storms continue to accumulate feet of snow. Pretty, yes. My efforts to shovel after each storm is waning and I’ve helped the clearing efforts by strategically placing hay here and there out in the paddock so the sheep will venture out to claim it. It’s working!

I’m picking up two black Romney ewes tomorrow. They are yearlings, as of April. This is my effort to boost my natural color lines. They are going to be a great addition to the flock.

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