

Summer Solstice Blessings

Filed under: — Owner/Shepherd @ 1:44 pm

Sliding into Summer’s hot and hazy days and loving it! I can’t think of a better time to explore new ideas. You know, those ideas and questions that arise in the deep of winter with loads of the simple statement, "I’ll do that this summer". Well, it’s here! OK, at least try to do one of those new ideas. For me, now that the sheep are pretty much at a basic level of mantainence, and the wool room is full of fresh wool, it’s gotta be working up some Spin-Me Batts off my new Duncan Carder. So far I’ve made 100% Leicester Longwool Batts. They are spinning up with ease and the yarns are fabulous! The other big discipline I’ve got to focus on is my weaving. I’ve got wool blankets on one loom now and a sampler of Overshot on another. Seems like I’m beating a dead horse and I really want to make this rug with LL locks woven in. Probably use the white ram’s fleece for that. I’m pecking away at preparing for the next few shows too. So, if you don’t hear from me in a while, you’ll know I’m trying to work on these things. Not to mention all the gardens that need some HELP!

Have a great hot summer!

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