

July Bursting with Sunshine!

Filed under: — Owner/Shepherd @ 8:27 am

Yeah, hurrah, the SUN has finally come out to warm the green wet pastures. It was a very wet June and though the grasses grew well, the weather was not so good for sheep to graze. I usually wait to put the sheep out on pasture until after the dew evaporates. I do that to help control some of the parasites that like the moist grass. Luckily we’ve had enough nice second cut hay to feed out. On the other hand, late first cut harvest may bring in late second cut harvest, which is what we only feed out. The choice of second cut is two fold, higher quality and protein, and no grass heads, which offer an abundance of little seeds that gets trapped in the wool. And since the wool harvest is our main goal, keeping the wool free of debris is of utmost concern.

Sheep sales have been good this year. We have ram lamb stock left, pretty much. A waiting list is starting to develop for 2010. That’s a nice feeling as we plan who is being bred to whom. Though we run a small flock of sheep, we have alot of diversity within it. Stay tuned.

Have a wonderful Summer!

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