

SPRING HAS SPRUNG, and lambs are jumping!

Filed under: — Owner/Shepherd @ 2:29 pm

Wow, it’s been almost two months since I wrote in this journal. Sorry. I’ve been busy with lambing and mucking and general maintainence of the flock. In all, we had 10 lambs born this season. 6 rams, 5 of which are purebred English Leicester Longwools, and 1 black NCWGA… and 4 ewes, 1 fantastic black ewe "Assumpta", who is 3/4 LL, and 3 white fleeces (black factored) ewe lambs, very sweet. No major issues with lambing, but I have had some concerns with the older ewes. But everyone delivered fine and recoverd fine as well. So the number of sheep in the flock, at the moment, is 28.

I’m preparing for the Massachusetts Sheep Fair over the next couple of weeks. Loading the trailer alittle at a time and finishing up a few things. I hope some of you reading this will be able to come by my booth and say hello.

If you happen to be looking for purebred English Leicester Longwool sheep or lambs, please make some contact with me and I’ll try to help you. I am reminded about how long I waited for my first starter flock, 5 years. It may be that you’ll have to build your flock as I have, a little at a time. No harm in that.

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