

Full Moon in August

Filed under: — Owner/Shepherd @ 8:13 am

BIG FULL BLOSSOMING MOON, rising up over the fields in Worthington. The cresting of the full moon kisses the tips of the corn tassels and filters in through the sunflowers, just beginning to open their tight yellow heads. I’ve been trying to capture this phenomenon with my camera, unsuccessfully. But my eyes and memories tell the story just fine.

The ewe flock came back home on Saturday last, on that full moon morning. The move went well enough even with the majority of the flock being yearlings and less experienced in the trailer appropriate behavior. Their fleeces are glistening white and clean from the weeks of daily rains washing the dirt off. There’s very little lanolin left on them as well.

Now back in our lovely paddock. Well, it’s not quite so dirt free. But they are up eating grass and are staying clean for now. I have another month or so before shearing so I’d like the wool to stay as clean as possible. I have the rams and the ewes in separate paddocks and during the day the mature rams go out to the front yard to eat down grass. Great lawn mowers!

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