

Full Moon June\’s End

Filed under: — Owner/Shepherd @ 9:51 am

Incredible weather comes on the heals of this long month of June. The full moon is a sheep’s evening luminary, luring them to fine dining on the grasses in full bloom. The larger flock in Worthington is in a pasture with an abundance of mature grasses, downward slope offering a constant cool low to the ground breeze, and always the intriquing menagire of horses, a pony, chickens and some fine looking gentleman wether rams that also share the land nearby. So, no worries on that front.

Here we have two groups of sheep. The breeding rams, now three mature purebred Leicester Longwool rams, live up in "Cranberry Cove". They have about an acre of fenced in pasture and a shelter. I supplement them daily with second cut hay, alittle grain and fresh water. Even when I offer them to go to the larger pasture, they choose to stay in their little hamlet. So I’ve given up on offering it to them as the ewe flock is larger and love the grasses and the lambs take their afternoon naps up in the daylilly patch. Once while taking a head count I was missing the little ewe lamb "Franconia". Finally I discovered she was nestled in the daylilly patch keeping cool and sleeping. You’d think her mother would have mention this to me since I was all in a tizzy calling and calling for Franconia, Franconia….

Onto the beautiful month of July ! My favorite time of year. It really feels more like a "stay at home" vacation with all the sheep so content and healthy. I should like to take advantage of this time and work on digging and moving some perennials and planning for next year’s garden designs. Maybe a trip to the river for a dip, a picnic or two and of course, nice rides on the motorcycle. See you down the road.

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