

Happy Valentine\’s Day

Filed under: — Owner/Shepherd @ 8:45 am

A lovely February morning, bright skies, snow coverd ground and relatively calm flock today. The pregnant ewes are about six weeks from lambing, their bellies deepening and bulging with their precious cargo on board. The ewe lambs are doing quite well, growing both in wool and size. I can’t wait to shear their lovely coats! Gotta wait until June. Until then, I have a few more raw fleeces to work with. I’ve been busy washing and dyeing wool, carding and spinning wool, and buying wool. I have had some very interesting wool customers of late. The uses of wool are unlimited. I have been getting requests for my freezer lamb already, for this coming December. Only time will reveal what I’ll have available, but for the most part the ram lambs will be designated for that harvest. This is the quietest winter I’ve had in awhile, due to the lambing being put off until early April. It’s an unusal feeling of ease, but I can get used to this. All for now, Lisa

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