

Total Eclipse of the MOON

Filed under: — Owner/Shepherd @ 1:19 pm

On March 3rd, in the early evening, a full lunar eclipse occured. I happen to witness it at work, on a quick break for a breath of fresh air. It was quite beautiful. The day prior brought an icy wintery mix of nasty weather, but this night was unique, clear and calm. At least for a short while. Within a few moments of the lunar eclipse’s grand finale, snow squalls raced in to take it’s place. By the time I got home from work that night, another 6 inches of snow was on the ground. Covering all the slushy icy tormented ground.

Besides the weather living up to it’s tradition for March, in like a Lion, I do actually hope it leaves like a Lamb. Especially since I’m expecting some lovely lambs this year. I am preparing the lambing jugs for birthing and getting all the proper lambing supplies on hand. The ewes are swelling with lambs and it sure looks as if at least half of them are with twins. It’s going to be a fun April around here.

The Llama, Chenille, took ill last week. She was down on her feed and very low energy. After some efforts to adjust her intake and give her Probilos and wormer, I think she finally responded and got up to join the flock. After calling around for Vets, I realized anyhow I was in charge and couldn’t rely on any Vet to help her. There are so few large animal vets, and even fewer that will make farm calls or know about ruminants, especially camlids. I started growing wheat grass, mainly for an indoor green inspiration. I cut the grass a fed it to the llama and she is very pleased and responsive to that as well.

Enjoy the month of March. Expect a miracle. Live today.


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