

Happy Thanksgiving

Filed under: — Owner/Shepherd @ 2:22 pm

Greetings from the Berkshire Hills of Massachusetts. It’s a snowy day and the sheep are nestled in the fold. Bleating for the comfort of more Hay!!! I shall accomodate in due time. Somehow the feeding schedule seems unfair with it’s regular and diliberate rationing. But so it goes, my days need the rhythm of the chores, probably more than they do.

Our sheep barn is taking on more of it’s final form. The roof went on and the back wall is sheathed with pine boards and little windows placed symetrically along the plane at human eye level. Even with the snow blowing outside, Ernie and Germaine work on the details of the hay and grain feeder. It’s a great design, made with ease for the people to feed out without being stampeded, and to keep out hay from the fleece.  The rest of the barn sheathing will be milled up over the long winter months by Ernie on his bandsaw wood mill. He has a great plan in mind and I dare not interupt the creative process. Over the years I’ve come to trust his instincts and especially his craft of building. If it’s built by Ernie, it’s built right and true. It’s worth waiting for!

So I leave you for a few days, off to Vermont to see my brother and his family. Two stars, Bjorn and Annalise, born on the same day, two years apart. Can’t wait to see what’s up with them. Cheers. Lisa

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