

Happy New Year!

Filed under: — Owner/Shepherd @ 11:11 am

The first day of the new year, 2006, brings in some hope and promise. The end of breeding for my ewes this season is marked by the strainuous effort to muck out all the pens. With clean paddocks they can be comfortable and free of the rams interest. But for one fresh ewe there should be no more ewes in heat until next September or so. I’m hopeful that all the ewes I had in with the rams are bred and we can expect lambing to begin March 25th and onward until May 25 or so.

I put the two open rams and one wether ram together. I used a head sheild over the dominate ram so he won’t damage the younger ram. It’s working so far. They make contact, but not near as dangerous if left without the sheild. So, time will help those lads out, work out the kinks, but don’t kill each other, Please!

It’s snowing and a gentle wind in the trees loosens the fallen snow off the pine bows overhead. Seems like a good day to take a nap. Hope the cud chewing four-leggeds get the hint from nature. Sleep it off.

Cheers to you all, Happy New Year!

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