

Cold Snap

Filed under: — Owner/Shepherd @ 7:27 am

A cold snap has arrived, finally. The ground is truely frozen now. Ernie has been able to log and cut more trees out of the new pasture area, up by Cranberry Cove. He’s gotten maple, spruce and pine out, cut into 12-16 foot lengths and dragged them up to his saw mill. The milling will take place when the weather is at least tolerable in the 30’s. While this weather is helpful for logging it’s also good for the sheep. They all have at least 4 months of wool on them and some are into 10 months of wool. So I’m not worried about them at all, even when the temps get below 0!

Last weekend we crutch all the ewes behinds, gave CDT shots, trimmed hooves and gave a good look over the bred ewes to see how far along they appear to be. It’s looking like there are some ready in the next few weeks, while a couple will be longer. Time will tell. We’ll try to be prepared for whatever comes our way.

Thanks for catching up with us. I’m sure to write when the lambs start to arrive. Oh, we’ve looked at some guard llamas and have been reading alot of them. It’s looking like we’ll be holding off however. The border collies here,there are 3, are way to important to us to risk their being displaced by the llama. They do a good job of perimeter patrol throughout the day and at night sleep in the adjacent leanto of the sheep paddock, which helps with nighttime threats. I’d like to get a llama someday though.

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