


Filed under: — Owner/Shepherd @ 10:37 am

Lambing has concluded with a grand finale only made with great imagination of the Good Lord ! Announcing the very first purebred Leicester Longwool ewe lamb born on a farmstead in the state of Massachusetts, since, who knows when. A delicate yet healthy ewe lamb was born without incident at 6:00 pm Sunday night, 4/29/07, to our beloved "Minnie", #28 and her partner in all this "Charles". The ewe lamb has black factor and has two of her legs with colored markings, the majority of her fleece a sparkling white curly fleece.  Minnie’s udder is absolutely welling with rich milk, surely enough to feed triplets, but only the single lamb. She’ll grow very fast with such rich nutrition.

The sun is warming and comforting to the flock. It a beautiful day and there is cause for celebration indeed.

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