


Filed under: — Owner/Shepherd @ 7:10 am

Starting breeding two Leicester Longwool groups on the Harvest Moon, September 26th. The Autumnal equinox and her transitional spirit is leading the way into the breeding season with clarity and hope. I am following some ancient breeding instincts and the animals are in contented agreement. It’s time. So with some freshing cut grass hay and dug root vegetables for fodder, we are awakening the fertility and nurturing.

The pastures are still viable but definetly are waning in good nutrition. Supplementing with whole natural grains and vegetables from the garden. Carrot and Parsnip green tops seem to be the most popular treats. The colors of the changing leaves is developing and is very beautiful. The wool on the sheep is filling in and by the very cold temperatures arrival, their wool coats will be protective.

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