

Winter Solstice

Filed under: — Owner/Shepherd @ 4:30 pm

Winter Solstice Blessings to all !

The four-legged creatures and two alike. Tonight we shall enjoy the longest, brightest night of the year. The full moon is as close to the earth as it gets and the night is as long as it gets. Enjoy the subtle crisp night air and take a walk down an old country road. There, just at the end of the road, just before the bend in the road, just past the horseshoe corner and just a smidge past the neighbor’s porch light…. there you will find the secret of the night. The long Winter isĀ about to rule and we must obey. Gather your wools, gather your wheels, spin all day, spin all night, a tale that only us spinners and weavers can tell. By day and night, by shuttle, by bobbin, we fill and refill the hope and prayers for the blessings of the coming year. We are thankful and quiet in memory for those we have lost this year. We will never forget you. You are in our cloth, you are in our yarns. Thank you for blessing our lives. We honor your life and story.

God Speed

Sheep Rule

Follow the hooven path……………………..

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