


Filed under: — Owner/Shepherd @ 7:48 am

Oh Happy Spring, praise God!  Our first lambs arrived last Thursday morning. Absolutely beautiful set of ram lambs. This was ‘Abigail’s’ first delivery and she did an excellent job all on her own. She was a lamb on one of the ewes that was Blue Carded at our Leicester Longwool 15th Anniversary event at the Maryland Sheep Festival back in 2005. I’m very pleased with both ram lambs and named them ‘Grover’ and ‘Harrison’. I will entertain an offer to buy them as well I’ll entertain keeping one for a breeding ram in 2009. These lambs are ‘Dicken’s’ first as well. So now ‘Dicken’ is a proven ram, and he is for sale. I have hopes to sell him and two ewes this year as a starter flock. I used three different rams this breeding and should have a nice selection of unrelated sheep for sale.  Check out my SHEEP page to see the picture of Abigail and her boys.

The weather up here is that of Antarctica! It’s very snowy and there’s no sign of Spring up here, anywhere! I’ve been told there are crocuses and daffodils abloom in the Happy Valley (Hadley and Northampton) as well in Alabama and Washington State, but no such luck here. If the ground ever reveals herself I have a big bed of parsnips to dig and harvest. We’ve started our onions and leeks by seed already and will start the tomatoes and peppers in April. Really looking forward to the greening of Cummington. Winter has just successfully brainwashed me to forget what green grass and green leaves and fresh veges smell like. This is a very difficult time of year for us in the Hilltowns. Hang in there everyone!

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