

Summer Unravels

Filed under: — Owner/Shepherd @ 12:25 am

Between the rain storms and floral abundance the summer season has truely exploded with a brillant palette of color. The roses are in bloom now in my gardens. Many colors and many sizes, all alluring and captivating, as they tell their tales of really how hard the winter was. Surely they know more deeply than we mere humans. Yet, in the sun or in the middle of a down pour, the roses are just fantastic!

As for the sheep, well I don’t think they can get enough of the green stuff. At least not here. So in honor of my (blank) birthday, I’m moving the brood ewes over to their favorite pasture inWorthington. How is it that they get a present on my birthday? Hum. It will put a smile on my face, once the move is complete and give me some relief to know they are in good hands for a couple months. I’ll then have the ram stock here and there will be plenty of pasture for them.

It’s been a good sales season. I’ve managed to sell the stock I needed to in order to keep my flock at a reasonable size. I feel great about the buyers and know the sheep are in good hands. Thanks to all of you for helping make both my life and their lives improved.

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